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Creating Portable Home Gyms Can Be Simple And Inexpensive

Updated on June 19, 2013

Simple Portable Home Gym Toys Make Exercise Fun, Easy And Affordable!

A collection of simple, affordable exercise equipment, such as the good old-fashioned jump rope can be assembled to create your own, custom portable home gym.
A collection of simple, affordable exercise equipment, such as the good old-fashioned jump rope can be assembled to create your own, custom portable home gym. | Source

Custom Design Your Own Portable Home Gym!

Portable home gyms are making the news in the workout world these days, and everybody is wondering just which style or type to choose. There are lots of good, ready made commercial choices available; however, if you are strapped for cash or simply do not want to commit to a particular brand or style, you can create your own portable home gym a piece at a time. Read on to learn how.

First, set aside an area at home where you can keep your equipment. It does not have to be a big space, and it should be handy and convenient so that you will feel encouraged to use your portable home gym equipment frequently. A corner of your living room or even a cabinet near your TV chair or your workstation will suffice. You can also create a portable kit to take with you in the trunk of your car if you like to catch a little exercise on the go.

Hand Weights Are Affordable, Portable And Durable!

Gym Towels Are Handy And Practical

Here are the things you will want to stock your workout space with:

Hand Weights
Get a set of free weights. These can be 5lbs, 8lbs and 10lbs if you are just starting out. Keep a set of 5lb weights on your desk at work, too. Just doing a few reps several times a day can help you stay fit. You can also carry 3-5lbs weights in hand when you walk or jog. This gives you the added benefit of resistance and strength building in your upper body.

Resistance Bands Or Elastic Tubing
Look around your local sporting goods store for elastic tubing or straps to use for resistance training. Anchor the tubing or strap under your foot while seated and rest your elbow on your knee to perform curls. Use the tubing or strap for back and leg stretches. This versatile piece of equipment is incredibly portable since you can roll it up to tuck into a pocket, purse or the glove compartment of your car.

Jump Rope
Another very handy, inexpensive and effective items of portable exercise equipment is the old fashioned jump rope. Just like elastic tubing, you can roll it up and carry it easily. There is really nothing better for a challenging and effective cardiovascular workout. It is also great to use jumping rope to add interval training to any exercise routine.

Yoga Mat
Yoga mats are inexpensive and handy to have. Get one you can roll up and carry over your shoulder with a built in strap. You can use your yoga mat for floor exercises at home, at roadside rest stops or even at the office depending on the general atmosphere of your office (and the type of clothing you usually wear).

Pure Cotton Towels
Be sure to add a couple of good, absorbent towels when you create your potable home gyms. These are great for wiping away sweat or for rolling up to provide added support as you need it for floor exercises or yoga poses.

Balance Balls And Stability Cushions Provide A Great Core Workout

At home or at the office, try sitting on an exercise ball instead of an office chair. You will be surprised how comfortable this is, and you’ll get a great core muscle workout. If you tend to move from place to place throughout your work day or you happen to have cats, toddlers or other hazards to inflatable items in and around your home office, you can get almost the same benefits by using a stability cushion. This is an inflated cushion that sits on the seat of your chair or even in the driver’s seat of your car to provide you with almost the same muscle challenges you would get from a full sized stability ball. The beauty of it is it’s small and light and easy to use no matter where you are sitting.

Be Active And Fit Any Time And Anywhere!

Portable home gyms can be fun and inexpensive to create. Keep adding to your exercise toys to keep your workouts fun and challenging, and enjoy exercising no matter where you may be.

Copyright:SuzanneBennett:June 19, 2013


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